Small groups

Small Groups are gatherings of people from the OC that share some of the same interests or stage of life. Small Groups are an excellent way to truly get CONNECTED outside of Sunday morning, make new friendships, and grow in your relationship with Christ.
Small Groups meet year-round or in short term sessions for a few weeks. Some groups meet once a month, some weekly, or on a variable schedule. Explore Small Groups to find life-giving connection at Oasis City!

Care Ministries

Care Ministries are generally specific needs based and supportive in nature and include healing, counseling, divorce, grief and more.

Serve Teams

Serve Team members are passionate about using their talents, gifts, and resources to serve those inside and outside the church.

Life is just better

when we do it together

Men’s Groups

Women’s Groups

Young Adult Groups

Small Groups

Married Couples


Reach Groups


New Service Times


This NEW service is a 1-hour, family-friendly, with reduced sound and lighting, and with all the OC essentials of worship, teaching, and ministry – just abbreviated.

Children will worship with their parents, and then go to their rooms for age-focused Bible teaching and ministry.

9:30am & 11:30am

These services will feature everything you already know and love about Sundays at the OC, with all the OC essentials of worship, teaching, and ministry

OC Kids & middle school programing will be available for both services